Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Making Connection


Class: IV                  Subject: Science

Topic: Making Connection

Lesson objectives: By the end of the lesson, a child should be able to:

  1.  make electrical connections on their own using materials provided 
  2. investigate faulty circuits and take corrective measures
  3. construct a circuit using simulation from the link given

This video is created with Camtasia Studio 8. apps. 

To make this video first I made a PowerPoint presentation.

Then opened my ppt and on the left panel, we can see a  small sign which is the Camtasia app, while clicking that we can see many options such as preview and record. From there I chose to record and started recording the video. 

One important thing to keep in mind is you should look at the webcam while recording even when you cannot see yourself. 

After finishing recording I used Camtasia features such as zooming in and out, clubbing two videos together, and highlighting important points. Arrows to stress the main ideas.

After editing I clicked on the produce and share. Then named the video.


After watching the video students should go to this link. 

Follow the instruction

This is called Phet simulation. Anyone can construct a circuit without real materials and it is safe.

Create your own complete circuit using the materials required

  1. with one bulb
  2. with two bulb
  3. with four bulb
 Then write what you noticed about the brightness of the bulb when the number of batteries increases.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Floating and sinking

Class: IV                  Subject: Science

Topic: Floating and Sinking

Lesson objectives: By the end of the lesson, a child should be able to:

  1. define floating and sinking in their own words.
  2. observe and classify objects that float or sink in water.
  3. discuss why some objects float and some objects sink in water.
This is an animated video that will attract students and make learning fun. Students tend to remember more colorful pictures. Teachers sometimes can download videos related to topics that they want to teach in the class. By showing something different students will also feel more interested to learn.
This video has been downloaded from YouTube. For that first watch the video on the topic which you want to teach and select the appropriate video. 
  •   You will need a bucket of water. 
  • Collect some small objects that you find in and around your classroom. Some of the objects are shown in Figure 1.3(a). 
  •  Predict whether the objects float or sink in water and write your prediction after copying table 1.5. Now, put them in water one at a time as shown in Figure 1.3(b).
Observe whether they float or sink in water and record your observation in table 1.5. 

Why do some objects float? 
Why do some objects sink?

Activity 2
  • Design and carry out an experiment to find whether an object filled with air floats or sinks. 
  • Write about your experiment and include the followings: what you needed. what you did. what you observed. what are the variables you have identified?
  • After you are done with the experiment you will go to this link 
  • Title is already given as objects filled with air float or sink?
  • It is a padlet, you can type your answer there. 

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Rotation of the Earth

This video is about how the rotation of Earthworks.  Firstly I downloaded three videos from Vid Made then cropped and made them into one with the app crop video.

Class: IV
Subject: Science
Topic: Rotation of the Earth

lesson Objectives: by the end of the lesson, a child should be able to:
  1.  tell that our earth rotates on its axis 
  2. write the causes of the rotation of the earth
Students will create a simulation to show the rotation of the earth on its axis. 
For that go to PowerPoint Presentation
Use the necessary clipart, shapes, and pictures to make it lively
You can also use animations to make your earth move.
You can explain how your earth's rotation works with a voice-over or with a text.

Thursday, April 28, 2022


Class IV Science

Topic: Force


By the end of the lesson, a child should be able to:

  1. define force as a push and pull
  2. identify push or pull as forces involved in different situations
PowerPoint presentation
I have created this PowerPoint presentation using Microsoft office
I referred textbook for the information
Then used the appropriate Gif to make the presentation more lively
Used different font sizes and colorful designs to look attractive.

Procedures to upload the ppt
Click on the new post
go to google apps and click on the google drive
Go to my drive and click on upload the file
select the file and open it
Double click on the ppt
Click on the file and click on publish to the web
choose embed and click tick on two check box button and then click on publish
Activity 1
  • look at figure 5.1 and see what do the following pictures represent?
  • Then categorize the pictures into columns A and B based on push and pull actions. copy and complete Table 5.1.
  • After you have completed the table do the following questions. 
1. what is a common action in column A
2. what is common in column B

Activity 2. 
You will do a short quiz on
For that go to this link
Answer all the questions
The code to enter is 222222

How I created a quiz using
Firstly click on on google
Then went to create an event
Next moved to create Slido and entered the name as 'quiz'
Then chose live polls and select quiz
After that, we can create quiz questions 
Then mark tick on enable timer and show leaderboard
After finishing setting up the questions. Click save button.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

About the Blog

Welcome to Yangchen's ICT in teaching and Learning blog. This blog is all about how to integrate ICT in the classroom as a communicative tool. This helps teachers with new ways and innovative ideas to teach in the 21st century where teachers act as a guide, not as a sage on the stage. 
In this blog, I will upload how we can create a video tutorial using ICT to make the lesson more interesting and enjoyable. 

This blog will allow students to monitor and manage their own learning, thinks critically and creatively, solve simulated real-world problems, work collaboratively, engage in ethical decision-making, and adopt a global perspective toward issues and ideas.

Making Connection

  Class: IV                  Subject: Science Topic: Making Connection Lesson objectives: By the end of the lesson, a child should be able...